News Detail


Sep, 2023

General Membership Meeting

Sebastopol Little League will hold its annual general membership meeting on Sunday, September 17th, 4:00PM, at Graton Fire Department to build its Board for the upcoming season. All SLL volunteers (managers, coaches, umpires, snack shack workers, etc.) are invited to join the meeting and help elect our Board members for the upcoming season, which will run October 2023 through September 2024. If you are interested in joining the Board, please contact our President, Mark Sanchietti, at [email protected]. Participating on the Board is a wonderful way to support the children in our community, so that they can have a positive and rewarding baseball experience.

Please join us at Graton Fire Department (3750 Gravenstein Highway N) on Sunday, September 17th at 4:00 PM for this important meeting to help secure a strong future for Sebastopol Little League!

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